SN education: How we can reduce Global Warming?

Friday, June 19, 2020

How we can reduce Global Warming?

How we can reduce Global Warming?

Throughout its long history, Earth has warmed and cooled time and again. Climate has changed when the planet received more or less sunlight due to subtle shifts in its orbit, as the atmosphere or surface changed, or when the Sun’s energy varied. But in the past century, another force has started to influence Earth’s climate: humanity
How does this warming compare to previous changes in Earth’s climate? How can we be certain that human-released greenhouse gases are causing the warming? How much more will the Earth warm? How will Earth respond? Answering these questions is perhaps the most significant scientific challenge of our time.

What is Global Warming?

Global warming is the unusually rapid increase in Earth’s average surface temperature over the past century primarily due to the greenhouse gases released as people burn fossil fuels. The global average surface temperature rose 0.6 to 0.9 degrees Celsius (1.1 to 1.6° F) between 1906 and 2005, and the rate of temperature increase has nearly doubled in the last 50 years. Temperatures are certain to go up further.
We have already seen global warming-aggravated weather, like record-breaking floods, hurricanes, and wildfires. We have witnessed the "worst in centuries" droughts and dust storms. We have experienced alternating unseasonably cold then warm winters, extreme storms, bomb cyclones, and rain bombs where weeks or months' worth of rain falls in a few hours or a few days.

With our own eyes, we see that something very abnormal is happening to the previous stability of our normal weather and seasonal patterns. We have also noticed that global warming connected consequences (like those just mentioned,) are becoming more frequent, more severe, and are affecting larger and larger areas!
Our brightest climate scientists have determined that if we do not meet or come very close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets (found here,) we will face a massive extinction event where as much as 70-90% of humanity will die in as little as the next 30-50 years. Unsurprisingly, escalating global warming will not only affect humanity's survival possibilities. It also presents an equally grave and ever-increasing extinction threat to animals and other biological species as well.
Rising global warming has already become the 21st century's single greatest disruptor of economic, political, social, and biological stability. It will also act to amplify our other largest global problems. 
If we fail to make the life-critical 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, escalating global warming will also become all but out of our control.

No one is ultimately safe from this global warming extinction emergency. Global warming consequences are already affecting millions in many areas of the world. Many individuals and businesses are already being forced to deal with escalating catastrophes, food and resource depletion, and the mass migration of desperate climagees (climate migrants.) In the not too distant future, global warming catastrophes will be affecting hundreds of millions then billions of individuals everywhere on Earth! 
We now face a world in which rising global warming can cause mass human extinction and create increasing social, economic, and political chaos, not sometime near 2100, but as soon as the next 3-5 decades.

Our largest global challenges (other than the global warming consequences and immediate global nuclear war or nuclear or biological terrorism) that will both interact with each other and likely continue to worsen as global warming gets worse are: 
1. global economic instabilities are leading to reoccurring national and global recessions or depressions. (These are fueled by existing economic weaknesses, lack of financial reserves and resilience, and unexpected major unexpected shocks or events (like COVID-19,) hitting the global markets and financial systems. 
2. an ever-rising over-population (Earth has the carrying capacity for about 1 1/2 - 2 billion people. (Please click this carrying capacity link to understand why this overpopulation challenge is so big and bad.) Currently, we are near 8 billion people adding about 130 million additional people each year racing to 9.4 billion by or before 2050. 
Over the next 30 years, our population is projected to rise as high as 10-13 billion. One could also ultimately say that overpopulation and its inherent over-consumption beyond our carrying capacity is the major cause behind today's global warming emergency and most of the world's other critical global challenges.

3. rising global resource depletion; caused by overpopulation, toxic pollution of water, lands, and air, crop failures, over fishing, topsoil loss, resource distribution injustice, and the massive over consumption and waste of finite resources. Global resource depletion will significantly increase food shortages and soaring food prices leading to more starvation and mass migrations. If you do not believe that massive resource depletion and overshoot is a huge soon-arriving problem? Watch this fantastic overshoot video with great graphics and global resource depletion amounts and time frames in simple illustrations by Hugh Montgomery, a noted English professor.
4. escalating pollution of all kinds; ongoing and accelerating pollution kills crops, fish stocks, and poisons our air creating and accelerating all types of global health, social, and economic problems. 
5. loss of biodiversity, (due to ongoing and accelerating loss of natural habitat due to overpopulation, global warming, pollution, etc.)
6. growing economic inequality, injustice, and poverty. (This also will significantly increase food shortages and soaring food prices leading to more starvation and migrations. Today less than 1% of the world's population owns more than 50% of all wealth. Over for the last several decades, this ownership percentage continues to grow continually in favor of the wealthy.) 
7. escalating regional and international terrorism, conflicts, and war. These conflicts are caused by global warming, and most of the other global challenges listed here getting worse. While COVID-19 has temporarily slowed global conflicts, expect these conflicts to increase in intensity, frequency, and scale once COVID-19 is brought under control. The world then still faces all of the other nonglobal warming challenges on this page getting worse and being mostly unresolved. 
8. Escalating mass migrations, Global warming, political and economic instability, increasing terrorism, conflicts, and war plus many of these other listed global challenges will both create and expand sudden, massive migrations of millions, then billions of people. Before 2030 the world will see hundreds of millions of climagees. 
9. a rising new COVID-19 like pandemic probability reoccurring every decade along with other disease epidemics (due to the melting of the permafrost, loss of natural animal habitat, eating more wild animals, overcrowding, less resilient health systems, the other challenges and consequences listed on this page, like mass migrations,) 
10political instability and collapse, fueled by existing internal and external conflicts, deficits, and the failed global challenges listed on this page. Poorly managed nations with weak economies will fall first. In 2020 we already see many countries on the verge of economic or political collapse. 
11. Failing to evolve effective global governance with the needed legislative, judicial, and enforceable executive powers to solve the global challenges that cross national borders. If you think about it carefully, you will discover that the critical evolutionary failure of having no truly effective global governance IS the single biggest reason and core structural cause for why most of our other global challenges have not been resolved or continue to exist. The evolutionary absence of valid global governance alone acts to facilitate, escalate, and enable almost all of the other global challenges that we currently face.
And finally, never forget that rising global warming can further increase the severity, frequency, and scale (size) of the above other global challenges we all now face, making them even harder to resolve!
Despite 35 years of scientific reports as well as 21 International conferences about the near-certain extinction effects of the carbon (and methane,) pollution of our atmosphere, global warming temperatures have both continued to rise and have accelerated to levels that have passed dangerous tipping points.
There is true urgency to this global warming extinction emergency!

Our average global temperature and atmospheric carbon levels are far too close to crossing the near-extinction tipping points. 
If we fail to make or get very close to the 2025 fossil fuel reduction targets, this extinction emergency becomes a no-win game for everyone, no matter how much money or power they might have and, no matter where they might try to escape to!  

Our current global warming extinction emergency can only be resolved by immediately reducing the human-caused production of carbon and other key greenhouse gases produced directly and indirectly from the global burning of fossil fuels.
At this "it is almost already too little too late" moment in history, the necessary fossil fuel use reductions needed to save us can only be achieved by successfully meeting our last chance 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets enforced by our governments
Please also keep in mind that our government leaders have utterly failed to see the coming pain and suffering of the COVID-19 pandemic, nor did they adequately prepare for it.
Once again, our government leaders are also not seeing or adequately preparing for the global warming extinction emergency, which is already happening and, will be far, far worse than the COVID-19 global pandemic!
Therefore, as global citizens of every nation on Earth, we demand that our national political leaders act now before it is too late to prevent mass human, animal, and biological extinction within our lifetimes and untold suffering! 
1. Meet immediately to formally declare both a national and international Global Warming Extinction Emergency
2. Pass enforceable and verifiable national and international laws that would successfully achieve the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets or, at least get us very close to them. (Even getting close to the 2025 targets allow us to slow down what is coming so we can be better prepared.) And, 
3. Call for the immediate mass mobilization of ALL the necessary resources and personnel to execute ALL critical actions required to fully resolve our current global warming extinction emergency.



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